Wrap-around Psychological Support
Innovative Psychological Input.
Therapeutic Care Needs Assessment
Sound therapeutic care begins with a clear psychological understanding of the child in your care. Taking into account their early life experiences, neurodevelopment, current presentation and attachment relationships.
Care Plan
Working in conjunction with your current practices and informed by the Therapeutic Care Needs Assessment, the care plan provides a daily plan for residential staff to follow.
Reflective Practice Groups
Working with children who have experienced early trauma can be physically and emotionally demanding. Children’s behaviour can seem confusing and staff can feel lost. Reflective practice groups provide the team with a space to think about the current challenges they face.
For senior members of staff and key workers, consultations provides a solution-focused space to collaboratively produce a plan of action to assist the child in achieving their outcomes.
Direct Intervention
When indicated children can access individual attachment-focused therapy sessions.
Goal Tracking
To support in achieving the best outcome for each child. Goal tracking helps us monitor the effectiveness of your wrap-around psychology support.